Friday, July 11, 2008

A Classic

Dinner tonight was something classic that I haven't had in so long. A hamburger. I really can't remember the last time I had a real hamburger. The majority of the time I either have veggieburgers or turkey burgers. Tonight was the real deal (well almost---we didn't have the buns or traditional condiments) it was topped with a TON of caramelized onions and some red peppers. I realize the photo looks completely unappetizing and frankly not even like food, but it was actually good! I adore caramelized onions and could eat them plain, which I pretty much did, there were so many! It was a really good, very filling meal.

And I'm legit cracking up at how ridiculous this photo looks.

Along with the onions (and burger) we had an amazingly fresh, delicious, and colorful salad. I think the beauty of this photo more than makes up for the awkwardness of the last one.

Today was a crazy busy day. After work I went straight to my grandparents house (eating my lunch in the car---which is a shame because I wasn't able to fully appreciate it's wonderfulness) and helped them out by grocery shopping. They were very impressed with how quickly I ran all their errands. I tried to explain to them my love for the grocery store and how I should probably be a professional grocery shopper (if only there was such a career, sigh). Then with rush-hour traffic I had to start on dinner right when I got home. Therefore, no exercise.

I thought about just calling it a rest-day but tomorrow will probably be one since I'm working (on my feet) 11-8, so I didn't want to skip out on today. So...I worked out AFTER dinner. For the first time, like ever. For some reason I always sort of had it in my mind that if I didn't exercise in the morning/afternoon it was just too late. 

Well, I sort of understand my reasoning now. Even though I waited a good hour and a half, I was still way too uncomfortably full and didn't have a good workout at all. Any advice for night-time exercisers?

Now I'm off to shower and watch some Food Network ; )

Late-night snacks: kettle corn and ice cream bar

This is one of those Skinny Cow Mint Dipper Bars. They are SO good! They are really creamy and basically just all around amazing.


Anonymous said...

good heavens that salad is beautiful... i wish fresh blueberries weren't so pricey because they're so darn pretty.
ps i will try my hardest to please you via veganomican. i think my next venture will be either "black bean burgers" or "blueberry fudgey brownies." a well balanced diet, that's what i always say.

Fitnessista said...

hey girls, i just checked out your blog for the first time- i love it!!
aren't those skinny cow creations the best??? they're the perfect size and they're perfect for an ice cream craving!!
may i add you to my blogroll?? :)